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        Dark Lantern
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       Deck Lantern
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    There were two versions of ship lantern used by the United States Navy and Merchant ships during the First World War.  They were the World Standard Deck Lantern and the Dark Lantern.  Made by numerous manufacturers such as R. E. Dietz, Perkins Marine Lamp Corporation and Universal Metal Spinning & Stamping Company the lanterns were sturdy and well made.

         Lafayette Metal Deck              Keystoneware Dark           Universal Metal Deck

    The Dark lantern was unique in that it had a shield that could be raised to conceal the lanterns light without having to spend the time to remove the fount and extinguish the flame.  The Deck lantern was probably used on ships that weren't directly involved in combat or in places on ships where light from the lantern didn't reveal the ships location.   Although both lanterns were made of tin or brass, a large number of them were painted black to protect them against the harshness of the ocean and to provide additional camouflage. 

    This site exists for the purpose of helping others to learn about the history of the World Standard Deck and Dark Lanterns.  It is not associated with any historical society, organization, or company.  For more information, please contact us at darklanterns@yahoo.com or sign our Guestbook.

      Perkins Marine Lamp Corp.

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